Evert van de POLL

Evert Van de Poll (1952) was born in the Netherlands where he studied music (piano and organ). After studying theology in the UK (Birmingham, London) he worked in the Netherlands in the areas of pastoring, writing and translating. He was instrumental in setting up some new Churches, developed the Evangelical magazine Reveil and started the Evangelical theological journal Soteria.
Since 1998 he and his wife Yanna live in France. Both are pastors with the French Baptist Federation. As such, they were involved in developing recently started Churches, in Toulouse, Castelnaudary and Perpignan. They now live in the outskirts of Nîmes.
At the same time, Evert has been part of the ministry of the Evangelical Theological Faculty in Leuven, Belgium, where he serves as Professor of Religious Studies and Missiology.
Some of his recent publications are Europe and the Gospel (2013), Church Planting in Europe (2015), The Messianic Movement and its Holiday Practice (2008, 2015), and Mission intégrale: vivre, dire et  manifester l’Évangile (2017). www.evertvandepoll.com

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