Art Academy “Minerva” Groningen (69 – 73)
Scholarship at the Academia de las Bellas Artes, Madrid (73 – 74)
Visual work
Henk Pietersma works on paintings, objects and drawings. Furthermore he makes occasional installations and sceneries.
His work is also used for covers of magazines and specials of daily- and weekly newspapers.
The work of Henk Pietersma has an autonomous character.
His work can be characterized by a great feeling for beauty of form, shape and colour.
Henk Pietersma derives the content of the work, to an increasing extent from the Holy Bible.
The Word of God is for him the source in which art has its breeding ground. Art finds its form and significance in it.
The Jewish-Christian way of thinking is the field in which the work of Henk Pietersma is completed.
Against this background he gives lectures and reads papers.
In addition to his artistic calling, since 1977 Henk Pietersma has been teaching in the subjects drawing and painting at the “Noordelijke Hogeschool in Leeuwarden” (NHL.) This is a college of higher education. He’s working in the department of visual fine arts and design, within the teachers training faculty.
As a teacher of fine arts he gives master classes at creativity training centres.
Within the framework of the Association of Christian Artists, he organizes annually a summer academy for visual artists (professional and non professional artists). During this summer event, the relationship between faith and art, between practical Christianity and artistic calling, is investigated, in a practical and theoretical sense.
He is a member of the committee for curriculum development of the Christian Academy of Fine Arts, as envisioned by the Association of ‘Christian Artists’.