Harold Schonewille

From early childhood Harold was brought up with music. From his 7th he started playing the piano and from his 13th he started composing. As a teenager he discovered how to make instrumentations. After high school he started studying Human Resource Management first. But in 1991 he finally choose to focus on music alone. He studied musicology, composition and choir conducting (in Utrecht). In practice, Harold considers himself  mostly as a conducting and teaching composer.
His first job was with Continental Ministries Europe. From 1995 – 1998 he worked as Talent Director and was conducting 7 Continental tours throughout Europe.
From the early 00’s he conducted several choirs next to his professional job as a HRM consultant.
In 2009 Harold founded Creative Arts School Elevate in Veenendaal (NL), which he leads since then. On a weekly basis about 450 students attend private or group lessons in music, singing, dancing, etc.. About 30 teachers work for Elevate on a freelance basis.

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